La unica pretensión es, desde Ecodesarrollo Gaia, ir ofreciendo una información diaria, no elaborada,"en fresco", que permita a l@s lector@s darse una idea de nuestro quehacer diario en nuestra actividad principal...el trabajo solidario y voluntario para la integración afectiva social cultural laboral de la gente inmigrante que arriva a nuestra ciudad: CORUÑA
domingo, octubre 31, 2010

viernes, octubre 29, 2010

domingo, octubre 24, 2010

AULA DE AYUDA A LA INTEGRACIÓN ESCOLAR PARA MICRONEOCORUÑES@S. L@s niñ@s no son ajen@s a los avatares propios del proceso migratorio, es más, sufre el propio y el familiar, por ello consideramos una obligación ética ineludible ayudarles en la medida de nuestras posibilidades a su integración escolar... lo llevamos haciendo ininterrumpidamente 7 años, independiente de los recursos de la ONG... siempre hemos contado, eso sí, con capital humano... mujeres que han sabido dar un exquisito y paciente trato maternizado a esa material humano tan delicado... voluntarias que han sabido susurrar cálida ciencia almibarada de ternura en los corazones expectantes de l@s alumnit@s, habidos de certezas amigas..

jueves, octubre 21, 2010

miércoles, octubre 20, 2010

martes, octubre 19, 2010

CENTRO ESPAÑOL de NUEVAS PROFESIONES. CENP. Vamos a trabajar con el alumnado de diversas especialidades del Centro buscando alternativas para la difusión del proyecto CORUÑA de NORTE a SUR de nuestra ong Ecodesarrollo Gaia. Hemos tenido diversas reuniones con la dirección y el profesorado y ya una de trabajo técnico con el alumnado y las profesoras especificas de las áreas. Todo, una delicia, ha sido un verdadero placer. Seguimos trabajando. Muchísimas gracias por vuestra sensibilidad.

sábado, octubre 16, 2010

T 6298175 o envíanos un correo edg@edgaia.org
miércoles, octubre 13, 2010

lunes, octubre 11, 2010

Targeting: Ban Ki-Moon (UN Secretary-General)
Sponsored by: United States Fund for UNICEF
Across the globe, 22,000 children die each day from preventable causes. In Africa, nearly half of those deaths are from diarrheal diseases.
An infant born in sub-Saharan Africa is 520 times more likely to die from disease than a child born in Europe or the United States -- all because of a lack of clean water.
All told, nearly 900 million people still rely on drinking water sources that are unsafe.
Take action today in support of the UN’s work to supply clean, safe drinking water to the world’s poorest populations and urge UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to prioritize the Millennium Development Goal to halve the number of people without access to clean water and safe sanitation by 2015.
UNICEF is the international leader in providing clean, safe drinking water to millions around the world who need it most. UNICEF is on the front lines, doing whatever it takes to stop children dying from lack of access to clean, safe water and sanitation. Through the UNICEF Tap Project -a nationwide movement to partner with restaurants and volunteers, raising funds and awareness about the global water crisis- we have raised more than $1.5 million dollars and improved the lives of countless children in more than 100 countries around the world.
22,000 children every day. With a focus on access to clean water, we can bring that number closer to ZERO.
Sponsored by: United States Fund for UNICEF
Across the globe, 22,000 children die each day from preventable causes. In Africa, nearly half of those deaths are from diarrheal diseases.
An infant born in sub-Saharan Africa is 520 times more likely to die from disease than a child born in Europe or the United States -- all because of a lack of clean water.
All told, nearly 900 million people still rely on drinking water sources that are unsafe.
Take action today in support of the UN’s work to supply clean, safe drinking water to the world’s poorest populations and urge UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to prioritize the Millennium Development Goal to halve the number of people without access to clean water and safe sanitation by 2015.
UNICEF is the international leader in providing clean, safe drinking water to millions around the world who need it most. UNICEF is on the front lines, doing whatever it takes to stop children dying from lack of access to clean, safe water and sanitation. Through the UNICEF Tap Project -a nationwide movement to partner with restaurants and volunteers, raising funds and awareness about the global water crisis- we have raised more than $1.5 million dollars and improved the lives of countless children in more than 100 countries around the world.
22,000 children every day. With a focus on access to clean water, we can bring that number closer to ZERO.

Recordad que necesitamos ayuda económica. Podéis contactarnos en edg@edgaia.org y en el 629817581. Os necesitamos SÓLO NADA ES POCO. Muchas Gracias.
domingo, octubre 10, 2010
sábado, octubre 09, 2010
martes, octubre 05, 2010

lunes, octubre 04, 2010

domingo, octubre 03, 2010

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