La unica pretensión es, desde Ecodesarrollo Gaia, ir ofreciendo una información diaria, no elaborada,"en fresco", que permita a l@s lector@s darse una idea de nuestro quehacer diario en nuestra actividad principal...el trabajo solidario y voluntario para la integración afectiva social cultural laboral de la gente inmigrante que arriva a nuestra ciudad: CORUÑA
viernes, enero 01, 2010
2010 Año de MIGUEL HERNÁNDEZ....
con quien tanto queremos
1 comentario:
I just got rid of the computer i usually sync my iPhone on. And, as everyone knows, the new 2.0 update is coming in very soon. I have so many things on my iphone that i can't get anywhere else. Is there a way that I can sync my iphone on another computer without erasing everything already on it? [url=]best forex software[/url] [url=]unlock iphone[/url]
1 comentario:
I just got rid of the computer i usually sync my iPhone on. And, as everyone knows, the new 2.0 update is coming in very soon. I have so many things on my iphone that i can't get anywhere else. Is there a way that I can sync my iphone on another computer without erasing everything already on it?
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